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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Knowing When to Pass (Your Keys)

Football season means a lot of things to Texans. To the law enforcement agencies of Texas it means an increase in DUI related crashes and arrests. Football game day drinking and driving has become a serious problem across Texas and around the country. In an effort to combat this problem the Texas Department of Transporation (TxDOT) has rolled out the "Know When to Pass" campaign for the 2010 football season.

TxDOT’s campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of game day drinking and driving and to encourage would be drunk drivers to pass their keys to a designated driver. The campaign encourages fans to enjoy their games while being responsible when it comes to driving home after a day of drinking and cheering for their teams.

According to study from the University of Texas, the heaviest days for alcohol consumption, in Texas, are football game days. A report released by the TxDOT in 2009 states that 45% of Texans who drink at a football party report driving home. 51% of the people who drank at football parties had 3 or more drinks. In 2009, 6% of DUI crashes in Texas occurred when a Texas team was playing football.

The TxDOT wants to remind football fans that the consequences of drinking and driving are real. Driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely risky. First and foremost, football fans are jeopardizing their wellbeing and the lives of their friends, family and everyone else on the road. Additionally, football fans who are convicted of DUI after the big game could face jail time, loss of their driver’s licenses, increased insurance rates, and much more.

Football fans should pick a designated driver and pass their keys to that person. If you are impaired and without a safe ride home – DO NOT DRIVE. Instead, call a cab, take public transportation, call a sober friend, or worst case scenario – stay where you are. But, do not become statistic, do not drive.

For more information on the TxDOT's "Know When to Pass Campaign" visit the facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/KnowWhenToPass

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